Guitars and Pickup Vintage Trucks (Thornton, Colorado)

These images are about Larry, his Vega guitar and and his pickup truck named Fred. The evening started out being  just about pictures of Fred. Larry had me meet him at his place in Thornton to take a few images of his Vintage Chevy pickup truck. I took the photos that he needed, but I felt like there was still some work to do…


 To me, an image never feels complete without a person in it. So I asked Larry if he would sit in for a few shots. He said no…then he said no again, he went into it kicking and screaming, but eventually he said yes and I think he’s glad he did, because there he is with his two favorite things. It’s always my goal when photographing people is to capture them doing what they love to do.



The image above earned The National Association of Photoshop Professional’s Image of the Week.


Before we wrapped things up, I wanted to try a little lighting experiment. Light painting is a simple process of using long camera exposures (sometimes over a few minutes) and painting light on your subject with a flashlight.  It gives the subject a very dramatic, moody, low key look. I’ve lit many small items this way, things such as flowers, guns, flyrods, etc. but I’ve never light painted anything the size of a truck with a person in it before! It took several tries because the slightest bit of movement will ruin the entire frame. Even a blink will make the image look freaky. Eventually we got the shots that I was hoping for.

All the images below were lit with a small flashlight and a shutter speed of  one minute or longer.guitar

